Your safety is our priority

We are actively monitoring the coronavirus (COVID-19) situation and have measures in place to ensure we continue to serve our customers in a way that is safe for both customers and our partners.

Information related to the coronavirus (COVID-19)

We are closely monitoring the global health situation in order to take the necessary measures to avoid its spread during traveling.
Important! Due to travel restrictions, curfew or still lockdown in various parts of the country, we always advise travelers and drivers to check the local travel guidelines and follow the instructions of local governments during your trips. These local guidelines can be found on governments official websites. Travel is a must for people so we expect them to follow the instructions and travel safely. Sanitary guidelines provided by the government can be found on the website:

Instructions for Driver Partners:

1. Keep your cab, auto or bike clean and disinfect before the ride starts and after the ride ends.
2. Do not travel in case of any kind of minor COVID19 symptoms too.
3. Always wear mask during rides.
4. Do not touch or share hands with passengers or any other person during rides.
5. Always keep safe distance with Passenger.

We will continuously monitor the situation and update our services as per safety guidelines and keep you informed too. Stay Safe, Travel Safe.